Digital Transformation for:

Spare Parts & Parts Interpreters

Accelerate your businesses productivity and output, by applying AI for spare-parts management and interpreting. Reduce the time spent searching your data and focus on what matters most.

At Vitr Technologies, we make your data rapidly accessible via your own AI-powered chatbot and comprehensive automation solutions such as Odoo ERP.

It does not have to be like this....

You receive the sales call, the customer doesn't quite know what they're looking for. You open up the database and start searching. You cross-reference to a manual. 10 minutes later, you think you've found the part you're looking for.

Does this sound like your sales pipeline? Time spent searching your data costs you money. According to a McKinsey report, employees spend 1.8 hours every day—9.3 hours per week, on average—searching and gathering information. Put another way, its like a business hiring 5 employees but only 4 out of those 5 produce any results, while the remaining employee continues to get paid, despite not producing or achieving any tangible outcomes.

This issue is particularly relevant for businesses involved with spare-parts where the data overheads are enormous. It takes a long time to train staff in how to locate and identify relevant data and still mistakes are made.

Advances in artificial intelligence and automation software now mean that even small businesses can access cost-effective data management tools that can provide a rapid 'return-on-investment' (ROI) and allow your company to thrive.

Speeding-up your sales, parts-interpreting and order processing via cost-effective automation solutions

We reduced our customer response times along with our parts-interpreting error margin by over 60%. I cannot believe the difference this has made to both our staff and customers.

Jeff S National Spare-Parts Manager.
After-Market Heavy Equipment Company

Chat with your data

For many businesses, they hold a lot of data and perhaps viable means for searching through it. This might look like the search function in Windows Explorer, SharePoint or Dropbox. You know the team spends countless hours searching through data to provide the customer or other members of the team with the information they need to perform their job.

Advances in software and artificial intelligence now mean that even small businesses can access cost-effective automation opportunities, and cut out the timely searching that many businesses are plagued with.

At Vitr Tech, we offer solutions that harness large-language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and others to deliver you a chat like interface that is trained on your data. Imagine being able to chat with your data in plain English, and have it return rapid results. We can also link these data insights to other elements of your digital architecture, for example linking your ERP to an AI powered chat bot to deliver you powerful insights across your entire enterprise

ERP + AI + Your Data = Happy customers and employees.

Chat with your Parts

Automate Your Workflow

Our experienced team can work with you either on-site or remotely to deliver solutions such as AI for spare-parts management and interpreting.

Step 1: Free Demo

We provide a free demo of our software solutions. This includes training our models on a sample of your data to demonstrate its ability to deliver reliable results quickly.

Step 2: Data Analysis

We then analyse your data-holdings and expected results. We look at the types of files you have along with the results you need. You then receive a tailored plan for how we will build your solution.

Step 3: Implementation & Continuous Improvement

This is where we build your model. Once trained on your data, we continuously monitor the service delivery and subsequent data updates to ensure ongoing data accuracy. We provide constant support for the service over the life of your subscription.

Solutions for every industry

Automotive, heavy industries, specialist spare-parts suppliers. Our technologies, including AI for spare-parts management adapt to your unique business and industry requirements.

Managing automotive spare-parts inventories can be challenging, but as anyone in the industry knows, is critical to a business’s success. Not only do manufacturers make significant changes to vehicle components with every model upgrade, they can also demonstrate variance between models and regional versions.

Our solutions provide you a dedicated AI-powered chat bot that has been trained on your spare-parts manuals and existing data. By working with us, you will be able to rapidly extract insights such as part numbers or order codes. You’ll also be able to compare and contrast changes between vehicles and other models in a matter of seconds. Pair this software up with an ERP solution like Odoo ERP and you have a scalable data management system that can grow as your business does.

Heavy machinery and industrial companies must manage diverse spare-parts inventories. Often these inventories have numerous part-numbers, descriptions, batch numbers and product codes.

You are often required to purchase the same parts from multiple vendors based on price and availability. Sometimes these vendors have their own product codes as well. Its a tough industry.

Our solutions provide you a dedicated AI-powered chat bot that has been trained on your data. The AI can read manuals in multiple languages and even deal with images. Pair your AI-powered chat bot with with a fully enabled ERP solution, such as Odoo ERP and you have a scalable data management system that can grow with you.

Many industries manage diverse spare-parts inventories. We support a diverse range of companies from appliance repair shops, scientific and medical instrument companies and flat-pack furniture distributors.

Our software is flexible and trained on your specific data. Our chat bot is designed from the outset to deliver the insights you need by harnessing the latest advances in AI and LLM technologies. Pair this up with an ERP like Odoo ERP and you have a solution that can scale with you.

Take it further, Odoo ERP

Beyond our AI driven chat bot, we also offer a comprehensive Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system, Odoo. This leading ERP software harnesses the latest AI technology and has automation at its core, it uses this to seamlessly integrate with your system. Originating as an Open Source platform, Odoo ERP has over 60 core apps and over 18,000 third-party apps in the Odoo Market Place.

Odoo has every function you need to thrive including warehouse management, MRP’s, e-commerce, dashboards and so much more.

Adopting a comprehensive ERP can make a lot of sense for companies managing spare-parts inventories. An ERP can help you streamline your inventory and warehouse operations, while enhancing insights into your business. A perfect complement to your AI-powered chat bot.

Odoo Inventory App - Reduce stockouts, speed up operations, optimise routes and get real time visibility

Frequently Asked Questions

Your AI chatbot is trained on your specific data, allowing it to quickly identify spare parts, compare models, and assist with various related queries. Harnessing the power of AI significantly reduces the time spent on manual searches and improves accuracy in parts identification.

You can train your workforce more quickly, respond to customer enquiries faster and allocate work effort to higher priority tasking in your business.

Your AI chatbot is customised and trained using your company’s data. This includes historical parts data, inventory lists, and any other relevant information to ensure it understands and can accurately assist with your specific parts and processes.

The training process can take a few days through to a few weeks, depending on the types of data you have, the quality of the data and the quantity.

During the initial consultation, we will gain a better appreciation for your data management requirements and can inform you on likely timeframes.

All training occurs remotely, with limited impact to your team or daily operations.

Data security is our utmost concern. We understand your spare-parts data is highly confidential. We will work with you and your team to establish the appropriate security settings for your business.

We offer comprehensive support for our AI chatbot, including initial setup, ongoing maintenance, and updates. Our support team is available to assist with any issues or questions you may have. During the consultation, we will establish the right support package for your business.

The implementation time can vary depending on the complexity of your data and requirements. Typically, it takes a few weeks to fully train and deploy the AI chatbot for spare-parts management in your business.

Yes, our AI chatbot can integrate with most existing systems, including ERP and inventory management systems, to ensure seamless operations and data flow.

The feasibility of this integration will be established in the early stages of the project.

A comprehensive ERP like Odoo ERP can make a transformative difference to your spare-parts management.

Odoo ERP contains over 60 core apps, including a comprehensive inventory and purchasing applications. You have near infinite ability to capture and instantly retrieve data such as alternative part-numbers, multiple suppliers, manufacturers drawing files etc.

The AI chat bot is the perfect complement to your ERP solution.