What We Do

Vitr Technology is a consultancy that helps companies use innovative software and AI to improve business processes, streamline automation and enhance visibility across your organisation.

Digital Strategy Experts

We help companies on their digital transformation journey. We work with you to define your digital strategy. We support you in implementation of high impact, high ROI projects that make a tangible difference to your business operations.

ERP Consultancy

Unify your assortment of applications, get rid of out-dated spreadsheets and automate repeatable steps via contemporary Enterprise Resource Planning platforms. Highly customisable and cost-effective for business of all sizes.
We specialise in advisory services related to ERP implementation. Our services include process mapping and optimisation, ERP project management, oversight and customisation. We believe an ERP can be a powerful tool when combined with digital strategy. ERPs are a critical component for any growing business looking to take the next step in their market.

Change Management

Change is tough. At the center of every digital transformation are your people. Often, not everyone will see the benefit of change, or understand its urgency. This is where we can help.
We are your partner in managing change before, during and after digital transformation. Change can be challenging, and resistance is a natural human response. We understand that adopting new technologies and processes can be daunting for your team. Our comprehensive services, available both in-person and remotely, are designed to address these challenges head-on.

AI & Automation Services

Automate repetitive tasks and save thousands of hours of your teams time. Automations can be simple and made between any application.
At Vitr Tech, we harness AI and automation techniques to create highly efficient business processes. We connect your disparate apps and automate the actions between them. Our automations replace repetitive manual tasks completed by your team to significantly increase their productivity, quality of work and enhance your customer interactions.

Web Services & E-Commerce

Work with Vitr Tech to develop your online infrastructure, including web presence, social media content, marketing and analytics. Establish your authority in your market.
We develop strategies around your digital architecture needed to remain highly competitive in the global market. Your strategy can include projects around enhancing your digital presence, building or developing e-commerce platforms and market-places as well as bespoke online projects.

Change Management Services

Managing change

During digital transformation, we can provide ongoing services to help you manage change. These include workshops, monitoring, and targeted interventions during the entire change process.

In-person workshops

We in-person workshops with key stakeholders in your business to help key personnel recognise the importance of your change, and how they can contribute positively to your projects success.

Remote & virtual packages

We can also provide access to remote classes, virtual lessons and training materials to ensure all of your team can be supported during digital transformation. These virtual sessions are tailored to your unique requirements.

ERP Consultancy - Odoo ERP

Digital transformation for many businesses often commences with the implementation of Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) software. Odoo ERP represents a a highly customisable, cost-effective solution for unifying your business operations into a single platform. As open source software, Odoo is highly customisable and supports a third-party app store with over 18,000 applications.


Odoo integrates MRP, MES, PLM, Quality, Shop Floor and Maintenance in the same platform. Lean manufacturing via Odoo.

E-Commerce & Retail

Odoo integrates everything needed for physical retail and e-commerce. From POS, CRM, inventory management and an advanced e-commerce application, you have everything you need to thrive.

Logistics & Warehousing

Reduce stockouts, speed up operations, optimise routes and get real time visibility with Odoo's warehouse management app.

Professional Services, Project Management & IT

Odoo is the ultimate project management software. Organize tasks and stakeholders, get a comprehensive overview of your project, and boost team productivity. Integrated with Help Desk and Time Sheets

Real Estate & Construction

Odoo ERP contains a suite of apps that are highly suited to the real estate and construction industries. From project management, CRM, field service and rental applications, your needs are catered for.

Many more...

Including hospitality, health care, mining industry, automotive companies and more. From companies as large as Toyota to sole-traders. The platform is scaable!

Harness AI & Automation

At Vitr Tech, we harness AI and automation techniques to create highly efficient business processes. We connect your disparate apps and automate the actions between them. Our automations replace repetitive manual tasks completed by your team to significantly increase their productivity, quality of work and enhance your customer interactions.

Book a free consult to save countless hours of your team's time.

Chat with your data

You have a lot of data and perhaps a means for searching through it. This often looks like the search function in Windows Explorer, SharePoint or Dropbox. You know the team spends countless hours searching through your data to provide the customer or the team the data they need.

Advances in software and artificial intelligence now mean that even small businesses can access cost-effective automation opportunities.

Our solutions harness large-language models (LLMs) like ChatGPT and others to deliver you a chat like interface that is trained on your data. Imagine being able to chat with your data in plain English, and have it return rapid results. We can also link these data insights to other elements of your digital architecture, for example linking your ERP to the AI powered chat bot to deliver you powerful insights across your entire enterprise.

ERP + AI + Your Data = Happy customers and employees.

Enhance your digital presence

Your online presence matters. An effective online strategy can reach more customers and drive greater revenue than traditional methods alone. It can also be a highly cost effecitve method for driving growth. Despite this, many companies do not invest time in developing this important modality.

At Vitr Tech, we work with you to develop a comprehensive approach to your online presence. We seek to build your company reputation as a go-to expert in your target market or niche. Services include

Australian customers shop online
1 M+

Need Help?


If you have a question that isn't covered here, feel free to reach out to us directly – we're always happy to help!

VitrTech is focused on digital transformation. We focus on finding proven, innovative solutions and help our clients implement them. 

Our agency has expertise across numerous discplines including project management, business analysis, software implementation, web design, e-commerce and content creation.

Our goal is to bring this multi-discplinary approach to aid our customer’s digital transformation journey.

Our digital transformation audit is conducted remotely, typically over a single session that can take a few hours depending on your business size.

The goal is not to sell you on a specific product or solution, but to demonstrate where opportunities may lie for your to realise efficiencies in your business process or digital infrastructure.

We are always open to a phone call or email to discuss your specific requirements.

We are currently helping companies combine their disparate processes and applications into a single, unified enterprise resource process (ERP) – specifically Odoo, one of the most customisable and easy to navigate solutions we’ve dealt with.

Odoo (formerly Open ERP) is an exceptional software solution, owing to its open source nature and huge community that supports it. Odoo has thousands of applications written for specific industries that enhance its core application offerings. We’ve not found a software solution (ERP) that is as fully-featured, customisable and cost effective as Odoo.

At VitrTech we draw on a range of specialists across their fields. Digital innovation is at the core of what we do. We have a range of experiences in implementing automation (RPA) software, integrating artificial intelligence into your workflows and change management, particularly when dealing with innovative change. Book some time today if you’d like to chat about your requirements. 

VitrTech is backed by an international Odoo Gold partner for all our technical applications. We provide a full and guided implementations both via remote methods or in-person depending on your company requiements. Speak to us today to discuss your requirements.

At Vitr Tech we can certainly aid in providing web design services. However, we believe our true value is in how you integrate your online services with your other processes and infrastructure. 

Our team can design websites, support SEO and other activities. We are particularly primed for integrating web applications (such as e-commerce) into your digital architecture such as CRM or ERP.

At Vitr Tech, we are excited by the advances in AI and their relevance to business. Today, even small businesses can access cost-effective AI solutions to automate their business.

We offer a full range of services relating to AI for business. These include data management strategies and programs, AI-powered chatbots trained on your data and AI integration into existing systems.

Reach out for a free consult or digital transformation audit.